When you get close:
Owens Garden Center
735 Latham Road
Somerset, Kentucky 42503
(606) 379-5488
Latitude: 37.2742691
Longitude: -84.4614503
From Somerset:
- Take East 80 to KY 461 (6 miles)
- Turn Left onto KY 461
- Take 461 to KY 934 (8.3 miles)
- Turn Left onto KY 934
- Take KY 934 to Latham Rd. (2.3 miles)
- Turn Right onto Latham Rd. and in .4 miles Owens Garden Center is on your left.
- Or
- Take 39 to KY 934 (12.5 miles)
- Turn Right onto KY 934
- Take 934 to Latham Rd. ( 3.4 miles)
- Turn Left onto Latham Rd. and in .4 miles Owens Garden Center is on your left.
From I-75 or Mount Vernon
- Take KY 461 to KY 934 (9.6 miles)
- Turn Right onto KY 934
- Take KY 934 to Latham Rd. (2.3 miles)
- Turn Right onto Latham Rd. and in .4 miles Owens Garden Center is on your left.
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