Owens Garden Center is a family business that has been providing south-central Kentucky with healthy, locally grown vegetable plants, bedding plants, mixed containers and hanging baskets since 1986.
The business is owned by head grower Mark Owens, who enjoys growing plants and produce. Besides greenhouse crops, Mark has grown field crops such as tomatoes, peppers, cantaloups, watermelons, pumpkins and strawberries.
When friends and neighbors saw Mark's vegetable plants and bedding plants in the greenhouse (built in 1986), they began asking if they could buy some for their gardens, and that's how that portion of our business began.
Mark's Favorite Plants: Mountain Fire Pieris, Gerbera Daisy, and Dragon Wing Begonia
William's Favorite Plants: Vining Okra, Huckleberry, and Tropical Hibiscus
Ruth Owens is the creator behind our mixed and custom order containers. She can take a pile of plants and turn them into a masterpiece. She also is head of the transplanting crew.
Ruth's Favorite Plants: Wave Petunia, Swedish Ivy, and Geranium
Ian Owens is one of Mark’s two sons and has been around the business all of his life. In addition to the family business he is a graduate of Somerset Community College, and is pursuing degrees in both marketing and horticulture/greenhouse management at Eastern Kentucky University. Aside from his studies he also offers landscaping services to the garden centers customers and plans on starting to offer landscape design services as well.
Ian's Favorite Plants: Dragon Wing Begonia, Calibrachoa, and Foxglove
Tyler Owens is also one of the next generation, Tyler is Mark's youngest son, and has also been around the business all of his life. He keeps the grounds well groomed and is always there to lend a hand to customers.
Tyler's Favorite Plants: Variegated Wandering Jew, Chenille, and Wave Petunia.